APS Technology-ACS - Advanced Conversion System by GreenLoop Energy

APS Technology

Advanced Pyrolysis System

The APS proprietary waste conversion technology addresses three markets:

- Waste Disposal
- Renewable Energy Production
- Creation of Valuable Activated Carbon

The APS technology can process municipal solid waste (MSW) as feed stock, as well as industrial, medical, hazardous, sludge, tires and many other mixed waste streams.  APS uses indirect heat and the absence of oxygen through a process called pyrolysis to decompose the waste materials to produce syngas, or synthesis gas fuel. The APS technology can also be used to effectively convert bio feedstock such as wood or agricultural byproducts into carbon or activated charcoal for industrial applications, and commodity sale.

The syngas produced is then combusted in a second chamber of the system called a Thermal Oxidizer which generates large amounts of heat.  That heat is used to sustain the pyrolysis reaction and to produce steam for industrial applications, or clean renewable electricity.  The syngas can also be converted directly to hydrogen fuel for industrial or transportation applications.  The system is designed for 24 hour continuous operation with 95% plus availability annually.  The technology meets air quality standards worldwide and has passed the most stringent air quality standards in the United States of America, the Southern California AQMD Standards, and is fully permitted for large-scale commercial operation in the State of California.  

APS Technology benefits:

  • Highly cost effective
  • Designed, tested and built in the USA
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Modular and expandable
  • Processes multiple mixed waste streams simultaneously, efficiently and automatically without system reconfiguration
  • Easy to operate and maintain
  • Sophisticated remote management capabilities
  • Space efficient
  • Reliable, continuous power
  • Reduces landfill
  • Solves the waste problem while producing renewable energy
  • Effective sludge elimination greatly reduces the spread of disease in developing countries and high population density applications